I've been setting goals this morning. One of them was to write down 100 things that make me happy. I thought it would be good to share. Hopefully it will give you ideas about what makes you happy too.
1. reading a good book
2. being listened to
3. playing piano
4. a clean house
5. a good meal (preferrably cooked by someone else)
6. crisp morning air
7. country love songs
8. accomplishing a goal
9. head rubs
10. back rubs
11. swimming
12. running
13. chasing/hiding with James
14. seeing friends at the temple
15. the smell of a clean baby after a bath
16. snuggling on the couch with family
17. homemade popcorn and a good show
18. Good Eats (the show)
19. talking with my sisters
20. going to the temple
21. having a clear conscience
22. a soak in the tub
23. pretty music
24. genuine compliments
25. when James listens/obeys
26. my Mama
27. good literature
28. hymns
29. James sharing food with me
30. the baby kicking
31. a new hair cut
32. pedicure
33. home applied facial (preferrably with help of friends or at a sleepover)
34. new sprouts/green leaves in sunlight
35. being recognized for something I'm proud of
36. sleeping in peacefully
37. cool crisp sheets
38. learning something new/interesting
39. stimulating conversation
40. swinging on a swingset
41. playing in the ocean
42. naptime
43. big pretzel sticks
44. a happy baby
45. throwing things away
46. quilting
47. crochet
48. foot rubs
49. Olive Garden (soup and salad) lunch
50. Chinese takeout
51. boxes from Mama
52. reading books aloud with others
53. my wedding ring
54. primary songs
55. typing
56. singing
57. Christmas music
58. traveling/sightseeing with family
59. clean hair
60. clean teeth
61. serving others
62. hugs
63. setting goals
64. making charts/graphs/progress reports
65. a baby heartbeat
66. James talking/singing to himself
67. dancing with James
68. a checked off to-do list
69. learning a word a day
70. sharing knowledge with others
71. getting emails (not junk mail)
72. driving in a car by myself
73. walks
74. hiding in the couch cushions
75. daydreaming
76. reading updated blogs
77. creating spreadsheets
78. being within budget
79. paying tithing
80. missionary work
81. a clean floor
82. vegetable sushi with pickled ginger, wasabi, and soy sauce
83. a good salad
84. uncluttered surfaces
85. bike riding
86. a camp fire (w/ marshmallows and hotdogs)
87. candlelight
88. thrift store window shopping
89. pretty food
90. a good steak
91. rafting/canoeing
92. hiking
93. floating in water
94. having food storage
95. living near a temple
96. indoor plumbing
97. air conditioning/central air
98. beading
99. a full fridge/freezer
100. Life cereal
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