Friday, March 20, 2009

A treat for Daniel

A flood of work and a notice that a special offer was about to expire soon caused me to request a purchase order from Charity to get Adobe CS4. It just came in the mail today and I am so excited. I think I am more excited than when I got Starcraft back in 199somethingorother. I use PS/AI/Dreamweaver daily. I don't know where my copy of Starcraft is, but I hear there's a sequel.

I must admit, part of my motive for this post is to show off to my sister-in-law Melissa, who is a very gifted photographer and has an awesome DSLR that I've been pining over for years. Here is a free plug for her site, Blueprints Photography, so that she doesn't think I am rubbing it in too much.

Now back to work...

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Anonymous said...

Word is the Beta will be out in a few months; to pratice the guys and I at the office have been running StarCraft tournaments after work. Good Times.

Melissa said...

I'll just wait for CS5 :) And thanks for the plug. I'm so glad I've been officially inducted into the Howell Family one-up-manship game when it comes to electronics and computer paraphernalia.