Thursday, November 13, 2008

Get to know you questions....

We had an enrichment awhile back that was aimed at helping everyone get to know each other. They put a lot of questions in a bag and had us pass them around the table to answer one question at a time. I liked the questions and thought you all might too. Perhaps you can use them on your blog or just use them to give you ideas for what to write in your journal tonight.

If I had more time, I would.... Read more of my books, get back to studying Hindi, learn, learn, learn....

What's one thing for which you'd like to be remembered? I don't know.

It's Monday morning at 7AM. You'll find me... on my way out the door to work.

My favorite cookie is... oatmeal raisin or peanut butter.

I wanted to be a ____ when I grew up. (Chemical Engineer and Linguist)

A fun or interesting experience that I had this past month was when... I went shoe shopping at the mall. We were able to try shoes on, discuss pricing, benefits, costs and then go to the Apple store to do more research online. It is amazing how much information is at our fingertips almost anywhere now. It would be interesting to see how that is affecting today's business models.

If you could take a trip to any place in the world, where would you go? India or the Philipines

What living person, other than family members, do you admire most? I don't know.

Do you have a favorite sport? If yes, what is it? Swimming.

If the TV is on, I'm watching... MASH or Good Eats.

What would you rather do, give a talk in church or bungee jump? Both sound fun.

If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be? cold cereal.

Where did you grow up? Here goes.... Wyoming, Kansas, Utah, Wisconsin, Minnesota, California, Colorado, Brasil, and, most recently, New Jersey.

If the refridgerator is open, I'm grabbing.. soy milk for cereal.

What was your favorite childhood toy? Tommy (I'll post more about him later)

What is the best book you've read lately? Made to Stick

What is a favorite pastime of yours? Reading.

What is your most treasured posession? James.

Would you rather live in the country or the city? City with a car to see the country when I want.

Name a goal on your life's to-do list. Run a marathon.

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Melissa said...

Another MASH aficionado! Jacob doesn't care for it. I wish we could hang out and watch MASH together. And you and Daniel must have been made for each other, what with the love for cold cereal and everything.

Katie said...

I would eat cereal if thats all I could for three days too! Glad to know someone else loves the stuff as much as me :)

Angela said...

Charity, my favorite was:
"What would you rather do, give a talk in church or bungee jump?
Both sound fun."

You officially have nerves of steel.