Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Nine Months Old

Yesterday marks James' nine month birthday. Today we went to the pediatrician for his check up. He flirted with all the nurses and was amazed at the fish swimming in the waiting area fish tank. He explored most of the waiting area and then would have gone into the receptionist area if his dad hadn't snagged him. His increased mobility is definitely keeping us on our toes.

James weighed in at 24lbs 1.5oz and is 30 inches tall. He didn't like getting measured and afterwards ran back to me when it was over. It made my heart melt. Aaaaahhhh...

While we waited for the doctor, James managed to shut his fingers in a couple of supply drawers. He can open drawers and cabinets but hasn't figured out that he shouldn't shut the drawer when his other hand is still in it. Ouch. The bigger ouch came later when he got his two vaccines and had a blood draw. I felt like such a traitor holding him so he could get them. He had them in his arms this time and he cried mightily. Happily, he forgot the pain once he saw the fish tank in the waiting room on our way out.

He has also begun to recognize when we are talking to him. Specifically, he knows when we are telling him not to do something. For instance, if we tell him not to play with the trash can, or to leave the books alone, he smiles at us, waits a second, and then inches toward whatever is forbidden beaming cute rays at us the entire time. With his new found mobility he is definitely pushing the limits more and requires us to get up to implement any of our nay saying.

Although he doesn't yet speak he has a wide repertoire of noises and sounds he likes. We hope that he will be able to learn some sign language to help him communicate more with us in the meantime.

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1 Comment:

Melissa said...

Yikes, what did he have a blood draw for? We've attempted that with two of our children as well. It did not go so well. Vomit spewed forth. All over me.