James and I have been thinking for a long time about what we can get Charity to show our love and appreciation for all she does for us. Ok, I have probably been thinking longer than James on this, but I solicited his help anyway.After thinking a little, we decided that the time was right to invest in something that Charity has wanted for a long long long time--a digital piano. (James took notes and implemented his cousin Julianna's posing tutorial for this picture.)
While my wife collapsed peacefully into an exhaustion-induced nap, grandpa and I snuck to the music store and picked up a Yamaha that was on sale. It was a good deal at a good time. After several attempts at trying to fit the box into a 96 Camry, we finally gave up and took it out of the box.
As Charity sat down and started playing, James woke up from his nap and wanted to know what was going on in the next room. I carried him over and laid him on a chair next to Mommy playing some Bach. He was instantly mesmerized by the music.
On another note... or another variation on the same tune of late....James continues to charm.
This is another picture of James with Grandma Howell that I think is pretty adorable:
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