Friday, August 22, 2008

Whistle While You Work

As most of you know, I work during the day. I feel very blessed to be able to work at a job I enjoy and to know that James is well taken care of too. The reaction I have received has been mixed. Some see me as a feminist out to take over the world.(I'm not, by the way.) But most assume that I am somehow the slave of the housework, dragging myself out of bed to work, and then coming home to my second job of cooking, cleaning, caring for James, and general house stuff. Their unspoken reaction is more along the lines of 'You poor dear...'. The truth of it is, yes, I do stay up most nights with James and am often tired in the morning. Although I admit to complaining every once in awhile, I really don't mind as long as I get at least a few hours sleep. I love James and it is a great chance to snuggle. The other reason why I am not the picture of a haggard, overworked mother? Daniel.

Daniel does a phenomenal job juggling his studies, freelance work, the apartment, and James. James is always well fed and happy when I arrive. It is not unusual for him, Daniel that is, to have done some of the laundry or picked up the living room or done the dishes before I get home. He even experiments with different foods in-between practice tests, taking care of James, and filling out applications, so that I walk into an aroma-ful house. When he hasn't made food he never pressures me to make something but enjoys the hodge-podge meals we throw together as we talk about our day.

Daniel says he has learned to value what his mom did for him and what many, many moms do each day. We both know that our situation is unusual and are grateful for the guidance of the Spirit in our decision making.

There are many dads out there who work outside of the home; indeed, this is where Daniel's studying is preparing to take him. When that happens I'm sure he will put in a great deal of effort, earn promotions, and earn the approbation of his colleagues. I will be very proud. However, not any more proud than I already am. To my mind, it is infinitely more work to be diligent when no one is watching. To spend the day working hard studying, taking care of a son, and then to still be cheerful at the end of the day is something I know I would have a difficult time doing. In fact, he is doing such a good job that the bar has been raised and it helps me (and will continue to help me) to do my best at tasks I sometimes find menial and demeaning. If he can do it and smile, so can I! :)

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Jen said...

What a beautiful statement about your sweet husband! I always knew that the person that married you would have to be pretty darn awesome.

Melissa said...

Those Howell boys were trained well by their mom. I got a great one, too.

Nohreen said...

You are both very blessed to have each other, and James. :)