Saturday, January 12, 2008


So, I have had requests for pictures of me and my baby bump. It isn't that often that I feel cute enough for pictures, pregnant or not, so when I told Daniel I wanted to take pictures last night he grabbed the camera.:) I think he did a good job.

We are doing well and, despite an increasing discomfort on my part, are very happy. I am officially 28 weeks along and am happily making calendars, charts, and graphs to keep track of our progress.
This little one is someone very special, as I'm sure every parent feels about their baby. However , let me give some examples anyway. Baby seems to be very in tune with the Spirit. He jumps, kicks, and squirms when Daniel and I say our prayers and read scriptures together. When we attend to our church responsibilities he punctuates important doctrine with his kicks. He seems to love primary already and of course, he loves his Daddy. When Daniel gave his testimony in church last Sunday, Baby seemed to be especially proud. I could almost hear him saying, "Hi Daddy! That's my Dad up there! " I'm sure we'll get to see how vocal he can be in sacrament meeting later.

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1 Comment:

Melissa said...

You look so cute! I can't believe you're so far along already! Maybe by the time your baby is 6 months old, we'll be on the east coast and I can take pictures!