I just woke from the most delicious nap. James had fallen asleep, things were relatively picked up, and it is Saturday morning so nothing was too terribly pressing. I asked Daniel to put on David Attenborough and I tucked myself into the couch. Settling in, I focused on the smooth voice of David and the soothing background music. French horns, a drumbeat. Yes, that is how snowflakes are formed. Red snow algae. Mountain goats butting heads and jumping nimbly. That's as far as I made it when I fell deeply asleep.
So why is this an ode to my mama? Well, I awoke refreshed and to the sound of David explaining that hot molten lava rises to the surface and becomes basalt, forming many different landmarks across the world. I relaxed, remembering the many happy times during my childhood and how my mama made them happen for me. (Coincidentally, she is also the person who has always known how to get me to take a nap.) I realized how blessed I am and wanted to put it down on paper, as it were.
So here's to my mama and the childhood she gave me:
There is so much more. To all mom's out there. You are doing a good job. Your best will be enough. I know this because just having my mama's love made my childhood magical, even when, looking back as an adult, I see realities that could have easily colored my memories more negatively. They didn't though, and I am grateful. More than anything, this is also a pep-talk to myself too. I have such a good example to follow and so I know what I have to do.
I know that many people have less than ideal childhoods for one reason or another. I am so sorry. I hope you will take this post as a sign that there is hope in this crazy world and an opportunity to try to make it better.
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