Monday, October 20, 2008

Bottom's up

James has been learning to crawl and now spends most of his floor time on his hands and knees. He really wants to walk and skip the whole crawling thing so he isn't happy about it most of the time.

When he wakes up in his crib he cries from hands and knees to get our attention, even when he is half asleep. So it isn't surprising that we found him asleep with his rear in the air. He must have decided to take a short break from the crying and fell asleep. Too cute.

Incidentally, we have had to lower his crib mattress down a notch since he was the height of the crib railing when he was up on all fours. I was worried that he would launch himself over the side. Instead, every once in a while I hear thunks coming from his room has he rams his head into the crib bars (sometimes through the bumper, sometimes not). Ouch. Hopefully he will decide that isn't going to work and try a different tack soon.

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