Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We're back

We got back from Utah yesterday evening. Today was spent recuperating from the trip. I discovered that there is something growing in Utah that does not agree with my nose. My allergies were horrendous and they turned into a terrible throat cold when I got home. I took today to sleep, as much as possible with a healthy James still needing attention, and Daniel did the same. Daniel seems to have finally caught whatever I had. He was really great about making sure I got enough tissues and allergy meds while we were out. Hopefully what he has will go away soon.

James is oblivious to it all, of course.

James seems to be growing, or we are getting lazy, because he is getting heavier and heavier. He is also sleeping more. He is adorable.

He's seems to understand about books and will sit with me while I read when he just wants company. He knows that as soon as he lunges for the pages it's floor time.

He and Daniel both fall asleep at the drop of hat still. It is a talent I envy. I've been considering putting goals in place to try and get more sleep. My not sleeping has become a very bad habit. Maybe I can learn something from the good examples of my husband and son.
James now knows what he looks like and he likes it. I think these pictures are great. It is obvious that he has figured out the mirror and likes what he sees.

On a final note, James has gotten his first and his second tooth in. He got the first one last Monday and the second one came in this weekend while we were in Utah. He is a dangerous chomper now with those little incisors. Piranha. He's still drooling and chomping so we are keeping an eye out for any additional teeth.

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Melissa said...

He is so cute! I can't believe he has teeth already! Kate still has none, which is fine with me. I hope you get some more sleep soon.

Anonymous said...

Teeth?! Yes, very dangerous indeed! All the better to eat things with though!

The same thing happened to Josie when we were in UT for her sister's wedding. She suddenly got really congested with a cough and sneezing... we thought she caught a cold while she was there. However, when we were flying back she cleared right up about when we crossed the Mississippi.

Hope you feel better soon!

Katie said...

I can't believe he has teeth! Preston is still our little gum man with no teeth in site, but he still gnaws on everything and anything he can get his hands, and mouth on. James is adorable and I'm glad he's sleeping more for you!

Nohreen said...

Good for you, James! Watch out for teeth marks on sippy cups, toys, & fingers (arms, etc.)-- yours or his! I speak from experience. :)

Love the pictures!