We have received some more blessings recently... in the form of furniture. We found a bed frame and table top near the dumpster outstide our apartment complex. Soon after that, one of the guys from work was looking to get rid of some of his furniture he no longer had room for. We gladly helped him with his problem. What altruism.
Dan impressed him by fitting all of it in and on his Subaru, which was no mean feat. In addition to proving his manliness by securing and then hauling this load, he was happy have a use for some of his Scout knots. Then we arranged and rearranged the apartment to fit the following:
A bookshelf. We now have more room for our books near the nightstand. A bed for James to grow into or for a guest to use.
A new desk (aka fabric cutting and ironing station). This table top had only two legs when we found it but the filing cabinet is a perfect stand-in for the two missing legs.
A bookshelf and toy nook for James.
And a dresser (not pictured) for his clothes at some future time.
We will soon be at the point that 'there shall not be room enough to receive' anymore of these blessings. Guess we had better get a house.
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