Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A break from routine...

I was able to fall asleep before Daniel last night AND sleep through the night. Granted it was only for hour and a half stretches at a time but it was so much better than my recent nightly routine. What is my usual routine you ask? I'd be more than happy to elaborate.


We usually read our scriptures, say our prayers, and are in bed by about 10pm. Sometime about a minute (okay, 5 minutes) later Daniel starts to snore softly, indicating that he has once again abandoned himself to sleep. "Lucky," I think to myself and quell any justified feelings of envy. I then try to settle into a more comfortable position (Happily, I have many pillows to assist me with this endeavor) and manage to nod off around midnight. Unfortunately, it's right around then that I must get up for one of the many nightly stumbles to the restroom. I settle back into bed, take about 30 minutes to find another temporary comfortable position, nod off, and awake around 2am to repeat the process. I am sure that I think too much and this doesn't help the situation. After my 2am trip I usually start running things through my head. I think about the baby, the birth, my family, work, the laundry that needs doing, how the lipid levels in my cerebrospinal fluid are adjusting to my new circadian rhythm and other minutia not worth mentioning. After which ruminations I make another stumble to the restroom, come back and settle in to sleep for another hour before waking up to wait for the alarm clock to go off. Ironically, I usually fall asleep about two minutes before it goes off, groggily turn it off, and collapse into real sleep for another 30 minutes, only to awaken panicked that I will not make it to work in time. I shake Daniel awake, we say our morning prayers and a new day begins.

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Christie C said...

"how the lipid levels in my cerebrospinal fluid are adjusting to my new circadian rhythm" -- that is SOOOO Charity! haha I never would have guessed you'd be a blogger, back in the day, but I'm glad you post often! I always love reading your entries.

Howell said...


Melissa said...

I so remember those days. All of that will soon change, except for the snoring from your husband. Jacob does the same thing, and if I don't fall asleep first, I have to gently nudge him and tell him to roll over. He always asks "why?" and I tell him it's the same reason I've asked him to roll over for the previous 2500-plus days of our marriage.