Charity is doing really well in our final days of not having any dependents on our tax return. We have been cleaning up the house and taking it easy. We are giving our well-used pillows a heart-felt victory lap before we say goodbye to our sleep. We have packed our "go bag" for the hospital, which has just enough stuff in it to carry us over until I can come back home and get whatever we missed. I have begun to getting teary-eyed looking at the babies on the magazine covers at the doctor's office. It must be time for baby.
So, what am I thinking as a soon-to-be-father? Well, I am thinking that the baby is lucky to have a very healthy, extremely beautiful, and eruditiously smart woman for a mother. OK, I made "eruditiously" up, but that just goes to show that words cannot describe how great I think Charity is.
I have not really thought much about what baby will do when he grows up. I have no expectations for him being a star athlete, president, or national hero... yet. Instead, I have been dreaming of the small moments I will have with him over the course of the next few years. Here are a few that make my heart melt:
- Holding him at 3:00 am in the morning as he drifts off to sleep
- Hearing him laugh as he discovers how to run around in a circle
- Seeing his eyes widen at the site of an animal he has never seen before
- Watching him mash his birthday cake in his little fist as he tries to take a bite
- Helping him on his homework
- Teaching him how to draw and paint
- Tucking him into his bed after reading in the Scriptures
- Taking him to the park to ride on the swings
- Seeing his smile as I walk in the room
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