Sunday, March 16, 2008

Request for Support

I am writing because I want you to know what is going on in my family and to ask that you support me and my family.

Last month my brother-in-law, Matt Budge, went in for what was thought to be gallstones. The scan revealed that he had multiple tumors in his liver that were the real cause of the pain he had been experiencing. The doctors said that treatment could wait until after they had gone on the family vacation they have been planning for years. They got back last week and he collapsed soon after. They started chemotherapy on Thursday and are watching him to see if he can stand more therapy next week. The hard numbers are that at the least he has a few weeks, 50% of people tend to make it 5 months, and only 5% of people make it 12 months with his diagnosis. He has been admitted to the hospital to stay.

I wish that I could be there for my sister, Crystal, and the kids but because I am so near my due date I cannot travel. Instead, I have decided to do what I can from here by setting up a website for them. The intent is to post how he and his family are doing, to provide a medium where others can share encouragement and love to the family, and to provide a convenient way for donations to reach the family.

Please visit to post your encouragement and support for the family. Also, your thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.

Thank you.

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