Monday, March 31, 2008

CNN Story

As some of you may know, my brother-in-law has been diagnosed with a very rare form of terminal cancer. They have decided that it would be best if they moved closer to his family in Utah so that they can have the support network they need for the kids and for my sister, Crystal. He is going through chemotherapy now and will need to recover before he can be transferred to a hospital in Utah and they (Matt and Crystal) can be with the kids.

The appartment complex where they live in Texas is making things more difficult by applying many fees for breaking their lease early. The story was covered by a local network in Texas and is now being aired nationally on CNN.

If you would like to leave a comment of support for the family or to get updates on how Matt is doing please go to

- Charity

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1 Comment:

Karen Otto said...

Daniel our prayers are with Matt and his family as are many around the nation.